Amber Hunter

Amber Hunter
Executive Director
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 519-944-5143 ext. 4
What her position is responsible for:
My role is to oversee all aspects involving T2B, working closely with all the staff, donors and hospital to ensure that the core programs we operate are running efficiently and we are servicing our patients and their loved ones in highest regard. Additionally, I ensure that the charity is operating well administratively, as well as constantly developing new fundraising and marketing strategies for T2B.
Her favorite comfort/program that T2B provides:
T2B Comfort Cart. This program is great because we have that opportunity to brighten the day of a patient and their family members with comfort foods. It’s the small gestures that make such a positive impact.
Ask her about:
You can ask me about all things T2B! Most of all, I love to talk about how our programs have benefited the community, how we can provide additional help, and how you can get involved with our charity in numerous ways (i.e. volunteering, hosting an event or attending our various fundraising events throughout the year).
Why she works for T2B:
T2B is truly my passion. While working in the corporate world for many years was wonderful, nothing is as rewarding as making a direct impact in her community when it is needed the most. It’s these small, positive gestures that go such a long way into brightening someone’s day when they are dealing with a life-altering illness.