T2B 11th Annual Golf Tournament Committee (top row, left to right) Melissa Iarusso, Antonia Maceroni, Tania Sorge, Joe Lucente, Tina Petretta, Monica Pecoraro, Marc Roumaldi, Chantel Rosati, Amber Hunter, Stephanie Zekelman, Anthony Lapico, Nick Rosati, (bottom row, left to right) Davide Petretta, Doris Lapico, Dino Ceccucci. Absent: Fo Abiad, Bill Marra.
Windsor, ON - T2B hosted its 11th annual golf tournament Friday, June 17 in honour of the charity’s late friend and board member, Dr. Lisa Ventrella-Lucente, raising over $225,000 for T2B’s newest campaign.
Over 250 guests shared in T2B’s excitement with the announcement of T2B’s newest campaign - The Dr. Lisa Ventrella-Lucente Memorial Garden and Greenhouse Project at Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital Tayfour Campus.
T2B Executive Director Amber Hunter said, “We already have the inside of the hospital covered with our T2B Supportive Care Unit ‘Stephanie & Barry Zekelman Wing’ so when the opportunity came up to have our footprint outside as well we were thrilled.”
There are two phases for this project: Phase 1 of The Dr. Lisa Ventrella-Lucente Healing Garden will be a delightful addition to the existing Healing Garden at HDGH Tayfour Campus. Lisa’s garden will be a retreat for patients, families and staff to enjoy time outdoors and relax with the comforts of nature. They can take a break for lunch or enjoy a conversation with someone, as the area will consist of tables and benches located in an outdoor patio setting. The area will be shaded by existing trees and surrounded by new landscaping. In addition, the facility will provide an opportunity for Mental Health and Rehabilitation patients to explore the therapeutic value of gardening.
Phase 2 of the project will include a greenhouse for the production of fresh herbs and vegetables to be used in T2B's family kitchen and various purposes at the hospital site. An adjacent outdoor area will provide extra growing space on a seasonal basis. Imagine entering the greenhouse, full of colour and life, feeling the warmth of the greenhouse and experiencing a temporary escape from the hospital environment.
Hunter said the great success wouldn’t be possible without all of the wonderful sponsors who didn’t hesitate to support such a great project. The title sponsors: Saturn Tool & Mold and The Ventrella Family, The Stephanie & Barry Zekelman Foundation and The Lisa & Brian Schwab Foundation. The platinum sponsors: Petretta Construction and FA Investments. And finally the gold sponsors: Rosati Construction, Quinn Roofing Solutions, Integrity Tool & Mold, WinCon Construction, CBM, SWT Group.
Thanks to the extremely dedicated committee, T2B raised enough funds to cover the cost of Phase 1. Construction will commence in Fall 2016.
T2B is a local grassroots organization founded on the commitment that all funds raised in Windsor-Essex, stay in Windsor-Essex. T2B funds and operates 17 various programs within our local hospitals and health care facilities.
For more information, please contact:
Amber Hunter, Executive Director, Transition to Betterness
Office: 519-944-5143 ext. 4 | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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